
Securing your replicator is done via source code. Add authorization and distribution rules to your model, and deploy to the replicator as a build step.

Write your authorization rules in the client. These go with your model. To better organize your code, collect the rules related to a small number of facts into a single function. For example:

export const projectAuthorization = (a: AuthorizationRules) => a
  .type(Project, p => p.creator)
  .type(ProjectName, n => n.project.creator)
  .type(ProjectName, (n, facts) => facts.ofType(Invitation)
    .join(invitation => invitation.project, n.project)
    .selectMany(invitation => facts.ofType(User)
      .join(user => user, invitation.user)

Then you can compose these functions into one central rule set.

export const authorization = (a: AuthorizationRules) => a

Create a file called output-authorization.ts in your project. Use the describeAuthorizationRules function to turn those rules into text. Then upload them to your replicator.

The following code works with Node 18.

import { describeAuthorizationRules } from "jinaga";
import { authorization, model } from "./model";

const postData = describeAuthorizationRules(model, authorization);
const url = process.argv[2];
const bearerToken = process.argv[3];

// POST the authorization rules to the replicator.
fetch(url, {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "text/plain",
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${bearerToken}`
  body: postData
}).then(response => {
  if (response.status === 201) {
    console.log("Authorization rules updated.");
  } else {
    console.log(`Error updating authorization rules: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);

Finally, create an NPM script to compile and run that file.

"scripts": {
  "deploy:authorization": "tsc ./src/output-authorization.ts --outDir ./deploy && node ./deploy/output-authorization.js"

To deploy authorization rules, pass the authorization endpoint and secret as command-line parameters. As an application developer, you can do this by creating a private Bash script that contains your replicator endpoint and secret. Do not check this script into source contol.

npm run deploy:authorization yyyyyyy

On a CI/CD server, get the endpoint and secret from build parameters.

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Jinaga is a product of Jinaga LLC.

Michael L Perry, President