Initialize a Starting Point

Now you can create a Site object as a starting point for your app.

import { j } from "./jinaga-config";
import { Site } from "./model/blog";

async function makeSite() {
  const site = await j.fact(new Site(""));
  return site;

Add the state and effect to App.tsx:

function App() {
  const [ site, setSite ] = React.useState<Site | null>(null);
  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, [ setSite ]);

  // ...

The makeSite() function creates a Site object. It adds it to the Jinaga instance j, which sends it to the Replicator. Since we already added that particular site ( to the Replicator, it knows which fact we are talking about.

Then we set up a state variable to hold the Site object. To begin with, the state variable is null. We initialize it inside of the useEffect() hook. The effect is only run once, when the component is first rendered.

We are going to use this starting point to initialize a component. So let's declare that component now.

Continue With

Declare a Component

Jinaga is a product of Jinaga LLC.

Michael L Perry, President